All these are based on the plank, which is used as a move in Pilates and I use them a lot in my own classes and PT sessions.
1). Traditional Plank
- Ensure your body is laying face down on the mat.
- Tuck your toes under your feet and lift your body off the mat on your forearms, with your elbows under your shoulders.
- Ensure your body is parallel to the floor and you are in a straight line from head to toes.
- Draw your belly button towards your spine and keep breathing.
- Hold for between 10-60 secs.
- Easier versions, place one knee or both knees on mat.
2). Plank Push Ups
- Start in plank position and then place one hand under your shoulder and lift your body up, followed by the other then reverse it.
- Repeat.
- Breath out on the lift and in as you lower your body.
- Try 6 to start and build it up to 15-20 reps.
3). Walk the Plank
- In long arm plank move one hand and leg to one side, followed by the other arm and leg and then back again.
- Maintain a strong core and avoid excessive rocking.
- Easier version- on knees.
- To make it harder, add a push up each time.
- Try 6 then build up.
4). Side Plank Dips
- Turn to your side with hips facing the ceiling and mat, with feet together.
- Place hand on hip and the lower elbow under shoulder.
- Slowly and with control lower your hips towards the mat. Just before hips touch the mat slowly lift back to start position and repeat.
- Endure you keep core strong by drawing belly button to spine and hold.
- Keep your shoulder, hips, knees and ankles in line.
- Breath out on lift and in on the lowering phase.
5). Spider Lunges
- From long arm plank you place one leg on the outside of arm.
- Keep a flat back.
- Try to get your knee in line with your shoulder.
- Bring leg back to original position and repeat on other side.
- Easier version - on knee.
- Try 8 to start and build up to 20.
Try doing these exercises in a mini circuit and rest for 30 secs before repeating.