Monday 31 December 2018

Looking Back, Looking Forward

I hope you had a good Christmas and looking forward to having a healthy and prosperous new year.

At this time of the year it's good to look back and reflect on what you have achieved in he past 12 months.  This is an important exercise to do as this helps with maintaining motivation, looking at the goals that have been achieved in your lives during the year and can mentally pat yourself on the back.  Also you can see if there were any goals you didn't achieve or could improve on.

With this information you can use these as a basis for your new goals or choose completely new ones  you can set yourself for the new year.

It's important to set yourself goals in order to help stay focused and achieve what you want.  If you don't then you will just flounder around and dreaming.

The main difference between someone who achieves their goals and turns their dreams into reality and those who just dream and wish is goal setting.

Be careful not to set yourself too many goals as this won't help you stay focused and you run the risk of failing to achieve anything by the end of the year and will lead to demotivation.  Choose no more then 3 goals and stay focused.

Check regularly how you are doing and making sure you are moving forward and not stagnating.

Make sure your goals are S.M.A.R.T (see below) in order to help fully to focus you and achieve your goals.

So enjoy the rest of your holidays and here's to a fantastic 2019.
Image result for smart goals