Wednesday 12 September 2018

The Best Things in Life Are Not Always Instant

It seems that we are all living in an increasingly fast paced world where our patience is getting thinner each year.

I'm sure you've noticed it too, out while driving and getting beeped at the lights for not going the second the lights turn to green, or a fellow customer behind you in the shopping queue tuts when they feel you are spending too long at the checkout.

Modern technology has developed an environment now that we expect everything to be instant.  We have e-mails rather than mail, fast food delivery to our door rather than going out to a restaurant and  'Google' rather than having to wait until the library opens and look it up in a encyclopedia.

This expectation of instantness I've found has spilled over into the world of fitness and sport.  Everyone it seems wants to lose weight instantly, forgetting it's taken years to put on the weight and therefore will take more than a few days to lose, or become a world class footballer after only one session.

I see quite a few people coming to my classes and they try to do the advanced movement, even though I've offered them the easier version as well. But they don't want to do the easier version, oh no they want to do the hardest version, even though they either have never done a fitness class before or it was years ago.

Then I don't see them again as they thought it was too hard.  They didn't appreciate that some of my clients have been doing exercise for years and have 'earned' the right to do the more advanced movements as they started at a lower rate and slowly progressed to where they are now.

But some people are so impatient that they want to by pass all the hard work and the sense of achievement after so many failures and be a better and stronger version of themselves before they have even started.  Such a shame as if they realised that somethings in life such as getting fitter, takes time but it's so much worth it in the end as your quality of life increases and you become a stronger and better version of your present self, both mentally and physically. But because they give up so quickly they are greatly missing out.

I always remember my old karate instructor telling us that nothing of worth can be learnt in an instant
and anything of any true value takes time to develop but it will be worth it in the end.

Somewhere along the line I think our society has forgotten this.