Tuesday 20 December 2016

How to Reduce the Christmas Fat

This is the time of year when all that hard work done in the gym can come undone with all those Christmas festivities. But it doesn't have to be like that and you can still enjoy Christmas if you make a few alterations here and there. Below are my top 6 tips on keeping (fairly) healthy during this seasonal period.

1.) Don't allow Christmas to last too long:- enjoy yourself eat what you want (in moderation)but only for 3-4 days. Don't allow to stuff yourself for over a week, which can easily happen if you just sit there and eat on Christmas day and go through to the new year and beyond!

   2) Eat some nuts:- Walnuts, cashews, Brazil nuts and almonds are all a great source of calcium, which helps build strong bones and teeth. The British Heart Foundation recommends we eat a handful a day and there's evidence that they can even reduce cholesterol. Just ensure they are the unsalted variety and don't have too many.

3) Get Dancing:- With the success of 'Strictly' there's never been a better time to go dancing. Ballroom, disco or salsa it doesn't matter what it is as long as you move that body. Depending on intensity and your weight you can burn over 400 calories dancing. If you're dancing you consume less booze and party food as well. Now the party season is here, why not take advantage and burn some extra calories on the dance floor.

Image result for christmas trees decorated

4.) Don't overload the plate for your Christmas dinner-you want to leave room for pudding, and you will comfortably feel full not feel like an over-stuffed turkey!

5.) At parties and Christmas tea choose more natural foods such as sea food, lean meats and chicken/turkey rather then sausage rolls, spring rolls and pizza which are higher in carbohydrates and saturated fats and lower in good quality proteins.

6.) Stay Active- During the slump between Christmas and New Year's Day, why don't you keep active and go for a walk, jog or a bike ride to burn off some of that Christmas dinner, rather then sitting in front of the t.v. and going through yet another box of chocolates This will make it much easier to restart your fitness regime in the new year rather then having two weeks off and doing nothing.

I wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy and healthy new year.

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Lose Weight & Boost Your Testosterone

Image result for big belly men

According to a study of nearly 900 over weight, middle aged men with boarderline diabetes, weight loss can reduce the prevalence of low testosterone levels by almost 50%. Because overweight men are more likely to have low levels of testoserone, researchers studied the effects of weight loss on the subjects testosterone levels. The study showed that with lifestyle changes, the prevalence of low testosterone levels decreased from about 20% to 11% and after one year to 46% The men in the lifestyle modification group lost an average of 7.8 kg during the one-year study. The increase in their testosterone levels correlated with their decreasing body weight and waistlines.