Friday 24 January 2014

The Differences between Self Defence and The Martial Arts

Recently I was invited to run a self defence course at a local academy for a group of students. I started the class asking what they thought they were to expect and hope to gain from attending such a class. The feedback I got was that they expected to get fit, lose weight and learn some 'kick-ass' kicks and moves. I explained to them that they'd come to the wrong class as true self defence has nothing to do with the 'Hollywood' version of a street fight with flashy kicks to the heads of the 'baddies' and spectacular multiple strikes that are eye catching and pleasing. The techniques in true self defence are short, sharp and brutal, just like a real street fight. Their expectations has made me wonder if many people out there think the same and confuse the glamorous fights of the silver screen as a true reflection of the real world. Nothing could be further from the truth. Although there are many techniques taken from the martial arts that can be used effectively on the street, such as elbow strikes, punches, knee and low kicks, these have to be stripped down to their raw basics in order to work in the 'real world.' There are some exceptional martial artists who due to years of training can perform wrist locks and the like under pressure but those with less skill or allow the pressure to get to them will be in trouble when they try to put a complicated move on an unwilling opponent on a street late on a Saturday night outside a kebab shop, far removed from the safety and the rules of the dojo. In self defence techniques must be basic but effective and can be performed even under pressure. The objective is to get out of the situation that you have found yourself in as quickly as possible. You are not there to have a 'prize fight' or impress anyone. Why try to kick someone in the head (which could be caught)when a simple straight punch or a head-butt would do? Your thoughts and comments on this matter would be most welcome. Incidentally I will be doing a Boxercise class from now on at the school as I think that is closer to what the students want.