Sunday 9 June 2013

Hydration & Exercise

Around 60-70% of our body is made of water, so it's fair to say that water is vital for survival. Drinking 8-10 glasses of water each day is recommended, but during exercise or when in hot environments, we need to drink more, because we sweat more. But is water enough? Or do we need sports drinks to stay properly hydrated? Sports drinks will keep you well hydrated and give you energy if you're participating in high intensity exercise for 90 minutes or more. However, if you're not exercising to this level, plain water will be enough to re-hydrate you. Studies have shown as little as one percent dehydration can cause major changes in body temperature, while two percent dehydration will drop your performance levels significantly! So to operate efficiently it's vital to keep your fluid levels up. Other drinks that contain high amounts of carbohydrates (such as Lucozade and Red Bull and soft drinks) stop water being absorbed quickly and therefore can delay hydration, so are not suitable before exercise. So if you're doing a high intensity workout that is more than 90 minutes in duration than choose a sports drink. But, if you're not working out to this intensity and you're trying to lose/control your weight than water is best as otherwise you may find yourself putting on weight because of the extra carbohydrate content. If you don't like the taste of plain water, add a little cordial to give some flavor or a slice of lemon, orange or a sprig of mint. Hydration tips for exercise Make sure you're well hydrated before you exercise — start drinking approximately two hours before Keep your fluids topped up during exercise Always remember to re-hydrate after exercise.