Thursday 8 December 2011

Christmas is coming are you getting fat?

It's that time of year that can be taxing on your waistline as well as your pocket! During this four week period people gain on average 2KG of extra weight! But fear not below are a few helpful suggestions that you can do you avoid a hangover (belly) this Christmas.

1. Keep the truely indulgent days to a minimum, such as Christmas and Boxing days and New Year's Eve.

2. Don't set yourself up for failure by trying to lose weight at this time. Try to maintain your present weight and start/continue a healthy eating routine in the new year.

3. At parties do plenty of talking and dancing to avoid stuffing yourself too much and stand away from the food table to avoid picking.

4. On the big day you could find yourself consuming twice as many calories than on a normal day. The average Christmas dinner packs a wopping 956 calories, so listen to your body and avoid trying to finish all that's on your plate if your belly is signalling that its full.

5. After that big dinner go for a walk to ease digestion and burn off some calories.

So if you're sensible you can still enjoy this wonderful time of year but avoiding those extra unwanted pounds.