Thursday 6 October 2011

New Fitness Guildelines For Health

People are being urged to look at the amount of activity-time in their lives as part of a new campaign.

The Get Going Campaign is being launched as part of the Change4Life initiatiave, and calls for adults to be more active everyday.

"Doing a little bit of physical activity each day offers huge benefits. That is why my UK colleagues and I recently updated the guidelines so they were more flexible for everyone," says chief medical officer, Professor Dame Sally Davies.

"Adults can now get their 150 active minutes a week in sessions of ten minutes or more. This can be from enjoyable everyday activites such as walking at a good pace or even digging in the garden."

So long as the activity allows you to become slightly out of breath and perspire than you can choose most things for improving your fitness levels.

Health Minister Lord Howe adds: "I hope this new campaign encourages everyone to find new flexible ways of increasing their own activity levels."

Tuesday 4 October 2011

New Time for Family Fitness

Just to let everyone know that the new time for Family Fitness is 10.00 - 11.00 am every tuesday at the Salvation Army Centre, Forest Rd, Walthamstow.

For those of you that are unfamilar with this class this involves dynamic and aerobic type exercises in order to burn fat and improve stamina and Yoga/Pilates type mat work exercises to fully work and tone the muscles.

This class is suitable for all.

Children will be able to come if needbe.

Price between £1.50-£2.00.