Wednesday 7 September 2011

How Too Much T.V. Can Cut Your Life Expectancy

According to The British Journal of Sports Medicine, couch potatoes who watch six hours of TV a day live five years less than those who don’t.
This research on health risks linked to TV viewing suggest too much time sat in front of the telly can shorten life expectancy, presumably because viewers who watch a lot of telly do little or no exercise.
Prof Stuart Biddle, an expert in exercise psychology at Loughborough University, said a lot of people in the UK now fall into the category of inactive or sedentary.
He said that aiming for 30 minutes of exercise a day on pretty much every day of the week might seem too challenging for some, but starting low and building up could be achievable.
"You can get good gains with relatively small amounts of physical activity. More is always better, but less is a good place to start."